Saturday, April 24, 2021

Writing assessment ideas

Writing assessment ideas

writing assessment ideas

In this informal assessment, students write down something from the lesson that they found confusing or difficult. Then, the teacher can either collect the responses and review with the students, or students can form groups and have students share their “bumps in the road” to seek clarification. C – The Crumpled Question Toss 8/23/ · 25 Alternative Assessment Ideas 1. Plot a family tree.. Highlight the relationships and connections between individuals by filling in a family tree. For 2. Conduct an interview.. Instead of answering multiple-choice questions about a topic, why not tell the story through 3. Create an Assess the student's ability to compose appropriate language, follow the writing conventions (spelling, punctuation, etc.) and address the writing task. Assessment Ideas for Grades Word Recognition: Have the student complete a matching assessment that has the definitions on one side and the vocabulary words on the other

40 Alternative Assessment Ideas for Learning - TeachHUB

Writing assessment ideas all need to use assessments in our classroom to determine how our students are doing with the content, but if you are like me, you get a little bored with the same old writing assessment ideas every time.

I mean, just how many times can you do the ticket out the door? And if you are getting bored, you know your kiddos are, too! To be a bit creative, they are in alphabetical writing assessment ideas. Some you may have heard of, while others may be new to you. I am claiming none of these ideas to be mine! These are all ideas I have collected and compiled for you.

The overall goal is to build your toolkit and to help you come up with some new ideas the next time you need an informal assessment.

In the end, I have all these ideas in a PDF form for you to download and to reference later. For some of these, there are pictures to make it easier for you to see. For others, there is just a description. Before the start of a unit, you would provide students with a few statements related to the unit. Students check if they writing assessment ideas with the statement or not.

This helps you get an idea of their prior knowledge. Then, writing assessment ideas, after you have taught the unit, you can go back and reassess to see if their thinking has changed any. In this informal assessment, writing assessment ideas, students write down something from the lesson that they found confusing or difficult. I love this one, but I have always enjoyed a good snowball fight! Each student writes a question about something that was discussed during the unit.

Then, students will crumple up their paper and GENTLY toss it — you know, not attack blast toss — to another student. Then, students will open the crumpled paper and answer the question. If desired, you can then re-crumple and toss it again. Writing assessment ideas the next student who opens it add any additional information. You can continue one more time and have students add anything, make changes, or even writing assessment ideas the class with a new question or answer.

In this activity, you would present the class with a question and have them write a response on a strip of writing assessment ideas. Then, students begin passing around a stapler and add their link to a chain that begins forming. Have students pair up and both have mini-whiteboards. They will stand back-to-back.

The teacher will ask a question while they both respond on their whiteboards. After a few minutes, the students both turn around and show their answers. A discussion then occurs. Students write a response to a question posed by a teacher on either a sticky note or a slip of paper provided by the teacher. This can be provided when students enter the classroom, related to something prior to the learning, or after students have learned the content, writing assessment ideas, it can be given to them on the way out.

Some teachers have done both. This has been used as a method to help teachers assess whether they need to review or reteach. There are many ways to assess using exit tickets. Check out my post on 24 Exit Ticket Ideas! In this assessment, the teacher places terms, answers to questions, or concepts in each of the corners of the room.

An alternative is to place a multiple choice question on a doc cam and have students move to the labeled corner that they think is the answer. Writing assessment ideas this one:. Then, students will form lines behind the labels. An alternative to the human graph is using sticky notes…because we are teachers, and we use them for everything…and writing assessment ideas LOVE them.

In this informal assessment, the teacher creates a spinner with about five quadrants that are labeled like the picture below. After a lesson, the teacher spins the spinner and asks students a question based on the location of where the spinner landed, writing assessment ideas. Another idea is to have students partner up and have them ask their partners a question based on where it landed and then discuss! I think we have all done this a time or two in our classrooms, but its value cannot be underestimated.

Anytime you can get your students to reflect, writing assessment ideas, you are definitely creating learning. Journaling can be done in nearly all subjects and encourages the exploration of ideas. K — Key Conc epts.

For reviewing a topic, have students try out this methodology. Have them explain a key concept by giving the definition in their own wordsdrawing a picture, giving an example, and explaining the big idea that goes along with the key concept.

I would have my students write a letter to their mom or dad, but not as an assessment. It was often an early finisher activity. However, it does make a perfect assessment for you. Have students express what they have learned in a short writing assessment ideas. An alternative is to explain using kid-friendly terms to a first grader what they learned.

Ticket out the door informal assessments is not bad. In this alternative, Most Valuable Point, students list three new ideas they have learned, two connections they have made, one question they have, writing assessment ideas, and a one-sentence summary related to the lesson they have learned.

Since MVP is also a basketball term, writing assessment ideas not create a cute little basketball slip, right? Have students take notes throughout the lesson. Then, at the end have them pair up and switch notes. Have students form two circles — inside and outside circles facing one another. Students should line up and face one another as partners. They will then quiz each other using questions they have created themselves ahead of time.

Then, after a designated amount of time, have one of the circles outside, for example move to create a new pair and repeat the action. Provide pairs or groups with a die and have them roll it. On the doc cam, provide them with a table that has a question that corresponds to the number rolled. For instance, if students rolled a 1, then they have to explain what a sedimentary rock is. These could all be used as a ticket out the door activity.

In this activity students quickly write everything that comes to their head related to the concepts on one side and then draw on the other side, writing assessment ideas.

This example can be found in the book 25 Quick Formative Assessments for a Differentiated Classroom. In this activity, writing assessment ideas, the teacher asks a question and then students discuss it with a group or a partner. I have talked about synectics before, except I called them forced analogies. I wrote an entire post expressing my love for these critical thinking activities. They can also be used for assessment because they can help you discover what your students know.

In this activity, you have a group of four in a team. Assign each student in the team a number, The teacher provides students with a four square sheet with four questions on it. All four students respond to the questions on their sheet. After a few minutes, each writing assessment ideas tears their sheet into the four pieces so each question is now its own mini-sheet.

One student collects all the ones, another collects all the twos, and so on. Then, with their stack of responses, each student reads the responses, looks for a common theme, and prepares a summary. Then, students provide an oral summary to the class. There are many writing assessment ideas to this, such as the word summary, and so on. This helps students learn writing assessment ideas they have to get right down to the most important information.

Writing assessment ideas imagine every teacher uses these to some degree in their classroom. I have also used the windshield signals, writing assessment ideas, where students place their right arm on top of their left and move it up creating angles to indicate if things are clear to them.

Below are a few more ideas. They just have to be monitored and done carefully. The students love them. At the end each group presents. Provide students with checklists or other sheets to help students track their progress. Writing assessment ideas can mark them off with an X see what I did there? as they go. You can assess their independence along with how they are meeting their goals, writing assessment ideas. Again, there are many variations to these type of response cards.

The Zap game is similar to the game Password. On the doc cam, place a vocabulary word. Have teams divided, some looking at the screen, writing assessment ideas, some not. One student gives clues while the other guesses, writing assessment ideas.

Assessing Writing Online

, time: 1:00:19

Informal Assessments A to Z: A list of Ideas - The Owl Teacher

writing assessment ideas

8/23/ · 25 Alternative Assessment Ideas 1. Plot a family tree.. Highlight the relationships and connections between individuals by filling in a family tree. For 2. Conduct an interview.. Instead of answering multiple-choice questions about a topic, why not tell the story through 3. Create an To begin, arrange the desks into rows. Tell each student in the front row and the back row to write a few sentences about something they learned in class and then pass the paper to either the In this informal assessment, students write down something from the lesson that they found confusing or difficult. Then, the teacher can either collect the responses and review with the students, or students can form groups and have students share their “bumps in the road” to seek clarification. C – The Crumpled Question Toss

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