Tropics of Discourse develops White's ideas on interpretation in history, on the relationship between history and the novel, and on history and historicism. Vico, Croce, Derrida, and Foucault are among the figures he assesses in this work, which also offers original interpretations of a number of literary themes, including the Wild Man and the Noble Savage 4/1/ · The critical literature on ‘tropicality’– the colonising discourse that constructs the tropical world as the West’s environmental Other – focuses chiefly on its historical links with Author: Abidin Kusno 1/30/ · Cultural studies, Discourse analysis, Semiotics & Theory, Historiography, Sociology, Literary Criticism, General, Literary Criticism & Collections / Theory, History, Literature and history, Philosophy, Historiographie, Philosophie, Littérature et histoire, Cultuurkritiek, Historiology Publisher Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press CollectionPages:
Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism | Semantic Scholar
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Tropics of Discourse by Hayden White.
Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism by Hayden White. Tropics of Discourse develops White's ideas on interpretation in history, on the relationship between history and the novel, and on history and historicism. Vico, Croce, Derrida, and Foucault are among the figures he assesses in this work, which also offers original interpretations of a number of literary themes, including the Wild Man and the Noble Savage. White's comment Tropics of Discourse develops White's ideas on interpretation in tropics of discourse, on the relationship between history and the novel, and on history and historicism.
White's commentary ranges from a reappraisal of Enlightenment history to a reflective summary of the current state of literary criticism. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published March 1st by Johns Hopkins University Press first published More Details Original Title.
Other Editions 5. All Editions Add a New Edition Combine. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Tropics of Discoursetropics of discourse, please sign up. Lists with This Book, tropics of discourse. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order.
Start your review of Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism. Jul 13, Cristina rated it liked it Recommends it for: students of philosophy, history, and theory. In Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural CriticismHayden White discusses the problems and promises of history. Human nature has made us curious, cerebral beings. We thrive on questions perhaps even more than we thrive on answers, and it is namely the more problematic issues--culture, society, and history, among others--that intrigue and baffle us.
We must grapple with it throughout existence, tropics of discourse, pass this grappling down through generations just as we have inherited it, and attempt tropics of discourse make sense of our experiences as best we can. White borrows the idea of tropes and their sundry uses from Harold Bloom, who suggests that a trope is the linguistic equivalent of a psychological mechanism of defense.
In this third stage, the relationship between the presumed essence and its superficial attributes will be, White insists, revealed. Giambattista Vico, G. Hence, the pattern is set; the theorists are aligned or where they are not, they at least offer an alternative and complimentary look at one another. The final result of Tropics of Discourse is an artful use of the tropes to indicate their function as the signs and stages in the evolution of human consciousness, and how this consciousness evaluates history.
flag 2 likes · Like · see review. Nov 15, Zachary rated it really tropics of discourse it. Good selection of essay, tropics of discourse, first few are rather outstanding.
I actually liked this better than the Content of the Form, and his writing is pretty exceptional, tropics of discourse. I also think he's clearer here on the fictional nature of all history. Feb 12, Aldon Rau added it, tropics of discourse. I have gotten behind on my reading of late, having become occupied with various other pursuits-learning to crawl, stand up, and the like.
I found this book to be an excellent starting place for getting back into more intellectual pursuits. The bright color of the cover and large typeface practically commands one to investigate further. The book is not too large to be manageable, and the emphasis on making explicit one's own circumstances as a participant in discourse say, one's mother attemptin I have gotten behind on my reading of late, having become occupied with various other pursuits-learning to crawl, stand up, and the like.
The book is not too large to be manageable, and the emphasis on making explicit one's own circumstances as a participant in discourse say, tropics of discourse, one's mother attempting to distract one from playing with the DVD player by handing one a book is ideal for any individual who is just beginning to grasp the concept of being-in-the-world. flag 1 like · Like · see review.
Aug 31, Trevor tropics of discourse it really liked it Shelves: theoryhistoriography. A tough read, but worth it most of the time. flag Like · see review. Apr 23, Miss rated it really liked it. I like Hayden White. I like the ideas he is proposing. I find him convincing. I know that he later gives alternatives to the old ways of historiography but in this collection of essays he is convincly showing how history is still an art, that the distinction between literature and history is only a farce.
No one can escape language and its laws, tropics of discourse. Language which is connected to our consciousness and our structuring of the world. It's a devastating point because it makes the idea of tropics of discourse objective sc I like Hayden White. It's a devastating point because it makes the idea of an objective science impossible. But instead of giving up, an honest consciousness about these facts can lead to a better historiography.
There is freedom in the mind, there is tropics of discourse in language and in the end we use language, it doesn't use us. Mar 11, Dan rated it liked it Recommended to Dan by: Tom C. Shelves: cultural-study. Jun 15, Christy rated it really liked it Shelves: read Should be read more than tropics of discourse of the late 20th century critics who are currently considered required reading for the literary scholar, IMO. Nov 05, Joni rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction.
would claim it a classic. just read it. Dec 19, Gary Norris rated it it was amazing Shelves: historytheory. diatactic not dialectic. David rated it really liked it Feb 02, Gregory rated it really liked it Dec 13, Dec 04, Alex rated it liked it. Good stuff, and good for you.
Andrew rated it really liked it Jul 09, Franco Bauer rated it really liked it Dec 25, oenggun rated it really liked it Oct 22, Alejandro rated it really liked it May 02, Paula rated it really liked it Aug 30, Rodrigo rated it it was amazing Aug 27, Valmir rated it it was amazing Aug 25, Antônio Xerxenesky rated it really liked it Oct 02, Pedro rated it it was amazing Jan 13, nick rated it liked it May 22, rated it it was amazing Jul 18, Rufus rated it liked it Jan 31, Jared Bennett tropics of discourse it it was amazing Aug 25,
Discourse on Colonialism by Aime Cesaire (Audiobook)
, time: 1:13:20Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism by Hayden White
Tropics of discourse: essays in cultural criticism by White, Hayden V., 1/30/ · Cultural studies, Discourse analysis, Semiotics & Theory, Historiography, Sociology, Literary Criticism, General, Literary Criticism & Collections / Theory, History, Literature and history, Philosophy, Historiographie, Philosophie, Littérature et histoire, Cultuurkritiek, Historiology Publisher Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press CollectionPages: 4/1/ · The critical literature on ‘tropicality’– the colonising discourse that constructs the tropical world as the West’s environmental Other – focuses chiefly on its historical links with Author: Abidin Kusno
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